december 21-22 eventful night at the service platform
le Plateau responds to an urgent request: a person hospitalized in Gabon needs to return to France as quickly as possible. Immediate activation of our teams in Douala and Libreville, each in their own field: sharing medical information with the hospital in Paris and the escort doctor, booking seats on the appropriate flights, rapidly finalizing all the details that determine the outcome (ticketing, travel, coordination with the family, etc.).
Une autre demande pour évacuer à Paris le plus vite une cadre de société dont l’état de santé s’est détérioré brusquement. Le lendemain 23h30, escortée d’un médecin, la patiente décollait à bord d’un vol Douala Paris. Durée de la mission 26h15 un record.
The CEO of a customer company, alone at home, feels acute pain and calls the Assistance Center, urgent need for a doctor at home; the on-call nurse anesthetist is immediately dispatched, guided by the Medical Director, while waiting for the on-call interventionist doctor, who arrives 15 minutes later. Taking care of the patient until midday after the MRI and delivery of the prescribed medication.
Managing these 3 delicate requests, along with the hundreds of other requests we receive on a daily basis, can be explained by the combination of 4 cardinal elements: an efficient 24/24 on-call service, the availability of appropriate resources and means, professional organization, and (not least) the advantages of proximity.